
དགའ་ལྡན་བྱང་རྩེ་ཐོས་བསམ་ནོར་གླིང་གྲྭ་ཚང་ནས་ཕྱི་ལོ་ ༢༠༠༩ ཟླ་བ་ ༢ ཚེས་ ༥ ལ་ཕུལ།།

To our Brothers, sisters and Well Wishers,
    This year on 2009, we are not going to send any Tibetan New Year “Losar” greeting card in order to show our solidarity and in memory of those brave brothers and sisters who lost their precious lives and those who were imprisoned and tortured by the Chinese Government for the cause of six million Tibetans. who had participated in the freedom struggle movement on 10th March 2008 onwards.
    So, to show the respect and sympathy to those great martyrs we are not going to send any Losar greeting cards to any one. Instead we perform special prayer gatherings on the eve of Losar in memory those brave martyrs and their families.
    Feb.5th 2009 Gaden Jangtse Monastery-Mundgod.