I personally have some worries about this special meeting.
The level of expectation is obviously high from general public and especially from Tibetans living in Tibet. But I saw three limitations and felt two worries.
1) Limitation of representatives.
The composition of the representatives for the meeting include members of the Tibetan Parliament, members of the executives, former ministers ( kalon), former members of Parliament, CTA officials-based in Dharamsala, two envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and representatives of His Holiness, the heads of settlement or welfare office, representatives from the local assemblies, four monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon religion, director of the Tibetan schools and overseas Tibetan associations and representatives from Tibetan NGO.
So the numbers of representatives are limited. It should be more than 500 if exile government wants to listen public are aspiration and to reform its political strategy and reform political activities exile in future.