My worries for coming special meeting in November.

2) Limitation of public voice.
It is simply sure that these representatives from government level and some are from schools, monasteries and NGO. And very few are from Tibetan settlements in India, Nepal and Bhutan.
Where is public voice? Do you really expect these people can be a represent public?
If you visit all 45 Tibetan settlements in India, Nepal and Bhutan, you will be known what are their real aspirations and expectations for this special meeting. In addition
HH Dalai Lama specially wanted to know the public aspiration and desires for Tibetan issue, but in between. Exile administrative leaders are playing spoilsport of social and public wellbeing.

3) limitation   of administrative transparency.

I personally think that, this special meeting is for future Tibetan issue and for the well beings of Tibetans living in Tibet and suffering under brutal rule of Chinese government.
For last 5 years, exile government tried to keep peaceful negotiations with China for 7 times. But no positive response, no positive changes from Chinese government side, no qualitative improvement inside Tibet.
Further more, Tibetan envoys are not to make any statement on the outcome of the eighth round of talks with Chinese leadership before the proposed “Special Meeting”. This is a narrow-minded way of thinking and acting. If the results of the talks were announced before the special meeting, it can give more thought and ideas to public and representatives to discuss on the issue of Tibet.

Two worries.

There are two barriers for this coming special meeting. One is NGOs and another one is Tibetan independent activists. Non government organizations in exile and these individual independent activists are waiting for the special meeting to use it for approving full independent approach. I guess they are going to pave the future approach of independence.
Whatever, I personally don’t have any expectations for this special meeting.